Published with the Support of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs;
Stunning growth of Iranian scientific articles in prestigious international journals.
Stunning growth of Iranian scientific articles in prestigious international journals.

While it has been repeatedly stated that the publication of scientific articles does not mean the spread of science and the commercialization of technology, the growth of articles in prestigious and internationally recognized journals can be considered as an effective evidence for the step-by-step and undeniable growth of the country"s knowledge-based ecosystem.
According to the Iran Science Elite Federation, by the end of 2019, about 4,200 articles have been published with the support of this federation, with the address of at least one Iranian institution in one of the prestigious international journals approved. According to this prestigious scientific institution, the publication of these articles has been accompanied by more growth and acceleration since 2016.
Valid Scientific Journals
There are reputable international journals in the scientific geography of the world that follow strict standards for the publication of scientific articles. By reviewing and analyzing the submitted papers, these journals accept only those that contain a tangible advancement and scientific proof, which is why researchers around the world publish the results of their years of research in these scientific journals.
While one of the key activities of the Vice-Presidency is aiming to improve the knowledge-based economy of the country and turn ideas and new technologies into knowledge-based and innovative products, the Vice-Presidency has not neglected the theory, academic, science and technology dimensions. By establishing the Iran Science Elite Federation, the Vice-Presidency has aimed to increase the quality of research and motivation in scientists to conduct more research by allocating awards to the publishers of scientific articles.
In 2015, a list of prestigious international journals was published by the Iran Science Elite Federation to support Iranian researchers in case of success in publishing scientific articles in these journals.
Significant Growth in the Number of Scientific Articles
The number of publications was initially 62, which was upgraded to 114 after re-examination. By the end of 2019, about 4200 articles with the address of at least one Iranian institution have been published in these publications.
Although articles such as JACS and PRL have been published by researchers at Sharif and Tehran Universities in very prestigious journals such as 1985 and 1986, the regular and continuous growth of Iranian articles in these journals has started since 1997. This year, 10 articles have been published in top publications by Iran. The highest number of articles has been published in the journals of the Department of Physics, such as PRD and PRB, and the largest number of articles in the field of chemistry have been published in the Anal Chem Journal. According to the federation, this data is extracted from the Web of Science database and the data only includes articles that are in the form of Article and Review and does not include other documents in this bank such as Note, Editorial Material, etc.
In this regard, the Vice-Presidency has announced: with significant scientific advances, Iran is now one of the top countries in the world in the field of scientific articles.
Explaining the policies of the Vice-Presidency, it was announced that the problem of research is not financial and strategic solutions are required in this regard.
A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs